Advantages of Soluxa solar panels

Our technology and products will help shape the future, of that we are convinced. For us, beauty and sustainability go hand in hand.
Already convinced that we offer the solution for the future of your building? Read the advantages of our products and get in contact with us.

Advantages of Soluxa solar panels

Our technology and products will help shape the future, of that we are convinced. For us, beauty and sustainability go hand in hand.
Already convinced that we offer the solution for the future of your building? Read the advantages of our products and get in contact with us.

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Ten advantages

  • Renewable buildings
    Your building becomes renewable in an aesthetically responsible manner.
  • BENG3 Legislation
    BENG3 requires new buildings to compensate their energy consumption. At least 40% of the consumption must be self-generated.
    Tall buildings have roofs which are too small to meet these requirements. With our solar panels these façades can make your building catch the eye of every passerby.
  • Every color
    With our innovations we have created a way to apply every color imaginable. This way your new building could have a state of the art design.
  • High efficiency
    Our Vibrant technology ensures a high output of the solar panel. The efficiency varies from 80% up to 98% of the original panel depending on the color.
  • Replace traditional façades
    Our solar panals function as a complete façade. Traditional façade material will become obsolete with our solar panels.
  • Return on Investment
    Your façade might cost slightly more than traditional materials, however, those materials will not generate energy. With solar façades energy will be generated and your energy costs will be lowered. This results in a return on investment. Within a few years your energy-generating façade repays itself. After these years, your building provides income through the façade.
  • Applications
    Our solar panels are suited for both renovation and new construction projects. Besides our solar façades, we have designed a solar fence. These solar fences
    could be applied in multiple ways. These fences could be placed on the outskirts of pastures, motorways, parking lots etc.
  • Match supply and demand
    Your east and west façade provide energy in the morning and evening. Your south façade delivers electricity in winter when the sun is low. This broader supply means
    that there is a better match between supply and demand, so you benefit from a low energy bill.
  • Show your impact
    Your building might be an icon for your company. The colors of your building might be designed for everyone to have an active recollection of your company. To show
    your brands leadership in sustainability and keep these designed colors, you could use a colored solar façade.
  • More valuable real estate
    Sustainability becomes more and more important this day and age. This means demand for energy-generating façades will grow. If solar panels have been applied
    to your real estate, your real estate will become more valuable in the long term.

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